Oh the food this week was amazing. It normally is when you are eating healthy and right. For me, Nutrition is probably the reason why I would switch to a vegetarian diet. Nutrition has always been important to me and it is the main reason why I choose a lot of my meals. The presentation this week was about nutrition and I thought that is was very insightful. I had always herd that vegetarians miss out on many essential vitamins and proteins for daily life. It was nice to know that all of the worries are not worries at all. I like how in all of the meals that we share the nutritional elements are said so that we know the benefits of eating this meal. I don’t think we get that a whole lot. We normally just eat. Growing up I hardly new what I was eating at all. It is nice to be aware of food and ourselves.
There were a few things that really stood out to me in the readings. Health jumped out from the readings, both for your body of the earth. First, your body’s health is directly linked to what you eat. I found that this was really seen in the China Study. “I’m about to tell you that is you eat animal foods instead of plant foods, you just might go blind.” This is a bold statement and I loved that there was prove to back it up. To realize that what you put in your body has an affect on your body. You would think that it is common knowledge but I feel like it is something that we don’t talk about enough in society. The other article about nutrition was great because of a common thing that I have heard all of my life, “Drinking milk will give you strong bones.” Well in the article Fast for Health, “Osteoporosis should be seen as just another one of the diseases that is linked to our rich, highly refined, high-protein, high-fat, modern diet.” In our society we have just been use to diseases and how there is nothing we can do about it. We are already doing what we can to fight bone diseases by drinking lots of milk so bone diseases are just part of who we are. However, that is just not true. We have an affect on our health and there are thing we can do to help us live a healthy life. The body is great to know how you can be healthy by the choices you make. The other health factor it the health of our planet. “Hog farms in North Carolina also emit some 300 tons of nitrogen into the air every day as ammonia gas, much of which falls back to earth and deprives lakes and streams of oxygen, stimulating algal blooms and killing fish.” (Boos Hog) “The livestock sector is…responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions measured in CO2 equivalent. This is a higher share than transit.” (Long Shadow) This was all really interesting because we can help our planet to most by simple closing factory farms. I say simply because that is assuming everyone cared about the planets health. I was always under the impression that this was our home and we needed to take care of it so it can take care of us. I feel like there is a disconnection in our society when it comes to nature. We need our planet just like we need our family or friends. They are there to help us and we should help them. I never really thought about what I can do to help but like we said in class, “We are all political; if you eat you are political.” We show who we are by what we do and what do we do three times a day?
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