From Ali Grow
May 11: Being raised without red meat, I always questioned why I was the outcast for never eating a cow or a pig. My parents had raised me to love and care for all animals, which is why it seemed so absurd that all the kids at lunch could eat hamburgers, hot dogs, and Lunchables with meat. My mom always told me to tell people that I was a "selective vegetarian" because I ate poultry and fish. However, when I finally got to high school, I made the transition to a full vegetarian. My grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer, and had been reading up on how her diet should be because the doctors were of no assistance when it came to nutrition. I decided that I wanted to read up on nutrition as well, seeing that I had always been questioned as to why I was a vegetarian. Health reasons? Ethical reasons? Before I went full vegetarian, I never really had a purpose. It was just that I had been raised that way. I began my research, and here I am, ready to learn more than before.
The readings so far have been quite interesting. I really loved the reading on Vegan Diplomacy because it was so great to find different ways to approach others about the path to becoming a vegan. I loved when it discussed that rather than telling someone what they are doing is wrong or immoral, congratulate them on their improvements. I could take this and use it in all aspects of my life. Rather than being so cynical of people for not doing what I think to be the right way, I could congratulate them and recognize that they are striving to be better, just as I am.
As I've been noticing what I have been eating, I have recently become vegan, yet again. But this time, I plan to do it the healthy way, rather than substituting processed foods for raw foods. I used to love cheeses of all kinds, and lately, they have seemed to make me sick after eating them. I also noticed that the other night, I ate a great amount of foods for my cousins birthday party. Cake, ice cream, and a vegetarian Café Rio salad. I was so full that I felt sick to my stomach. When I ate during class the next day though, I was able to eat a smaller amount and feel full much quicker. However, when I felt full, it wasn't a sick full. I was full for much longer, and I didn't crave foods throughout the day. I'm very excited to see what else this class brings, and what a difference transitioning my diet can do.
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