Today I was thinking that after all these wonderful meals, informative and eye-opening readings, great class discussions, and fun in the kitchen, I wish that this class wasn't over...but then I realized that everything from this class isn't over! I can still invite friends and family over to enjoy a great meal, I can continue to educate myself on these various issues, and unfortunately the majority of the world will continue to follow the industrys lead. However, it's always great to see how much more awareness is being built about veganism and how unsustainable the industry currently is. It's encouraging to know that eventually this is the route that a lot of people will choose but it'd be nice to have it become mainstream sooner (to save animal and human lives and the environment). Although I don't come from a wealthy family and I will begin working on Sunday after being unemployed for three months (with super little money) I will continue each and every day to vote with my dollar and make my voice heard.
As far as the food this week...we didn't have class on Monday but for anyone who went to the Memorial Day gathering, you would have known how awesome (and filling!) the various fieldroast burgers were, flavorful the roasted potatoes were, soft and earthy the rosemary bread was, and how sweet and refreshing the watermelon-lime slushy was...I was also reintroduced to my old coconut almond-butter frozen cookies. I am a bit disappointed that I couldn't taste Nina's raw banana ice-cream that the other class had on Tuesday however I'm actually making a version of that this afternoon with a friend. Here's the link to the recipe that we're using.. As far as yesterday's meal, oh man that was amazing! The quinoa, roasted vegetables, miso sauce, and field roast went absolutely perfect with each other. And that CAKE...I can't get over how delicious that was haha
I also really enjoyed the readings for yesterdays class. In the Reap As You Sow chapter, the author made such profound analogies to the meat industry and our everyday lives that really could have crossed the "sane border" but truly made you pause and think about what he said and how in actuality how evident it is but how much we don't acknowledge it because we don't make connections like those in day-to-day activities. I will be sure to read a World Peace Diet over the summer. In the Grub Kitchen reading, I thought it was great that the author compared our diet to the "wrong bus syndrome". She asked questions like what would you do if you were on the wrong bus (you would get off)..but then she asked what would make you stay on the wrong bus (examples include not knowing that you were on the wrong bus, being misinformed, not knowing that there was another bus, etc). She also addressed some of the possible obstacles that people encounter on their way to going on the "right bus". I also like how she provided and outlined pretty easy ways to make it on the "right bus" and how to remain on the right bus (veganism). All three of the readings were actually some of my favorites in this class because they truly made you think outside of what you normally consider. Those different neuro-thought paths were also made in the ethics presentation yesterday. Health and ethical treatment of animals were the two original reasons why I went vegan, so I was pretty aware about the issues in this topic. However, I didn't know that glycerin was made from animal product and I found it so interesting how this topic spurred by far the most discussion in class (and very insiteful and interesting at that). I will definitely watch the End of the Line this summer as well. And by the way, for those of us who purchase things that don't explicity label them "vegan", I've been meaning to purchase this book called Animal Ingredients A to Z that should enable us to be more aware of animal by products.
As a human, I know that I will be continually learning and changing but I will always keep in mind to make the most loving choice possible. That statement really spoke to me because it applies to every aspect of our life. To live by loving. How wonderful a place the world would be if everyone could do that.
Thank you so much for this course Nina and Michael. It was truly amazing and tasty! Expect me to be around in mid-August ready with some new recipes that I would have tried over the summer :)
P.S. Here's the link to the recipe for the watermelon-lime slushy but Jordan and I did things a little differently. Instead of adding water to the blender, when we cut the watermelon to place in the freezer overnight, we also included all of the watermelon juice. When we actually made the slushies, the watermelon was unintentionally a little thawed so instead of adding the water, there was excess watermelon juice that worked wonderfully in the drink. Also we used more than 1 teaspoon (probably the zest of two limes) of lime zest because it was soooo yummy!
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