Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lucas Matelich

I am generally a very cheap person (my room mates call me "cheap-ass Luc-ass") however last Thursday I found myself paying an extra 29 cents per pound to buy organic apples and even more money to buy organic romain lettuce, tomatoes, celery, peppers, etc. I also bought kale for the first time in my life, and I found out that Smiths doesn't even carry sprouts. Even more amazing than me not being the ultimate "penny pincher", I didn't buy any meat... granted, I still have meat saved in my freezer, but still this was a huge step for me. And as we talked about in class, I need to reward myself for every small step I make towards being healthier, and more environmentally friendly. The two sessions of this class have already made me a much more conscientious person.

I wish I would have read paper on arguments long before last week. This paper is so helpful in, really, all aspects of life. The thing that interests me most about veganism is the nutritional benefits one receives. After reading the China Study and "Fasting and Eating for Health" I can guarantee my eating habits will change dramatically. Aside from all the nutritional information I received from the readings, one thing that really caught my attention was the fact that the meat and dairy industries are promoting the use of their products by publishing false nutritional information. To me this is so wrong in so many ways, it' rediculous.

Even after just two class sessions my outlook on diet has changed tremendously, and I am extremely excited to see how it will further change in the upcoming sessions.

1 comment:

  1. Your nickname made me laugh haha But I think it's so great how you've already made changes in your lifestyle! That's awesome :)
